Machine Learning Driven Investing

Systematic Strategies

Machine Learning Investing + Adaptive Asset Allocation

Proprietary Machine Learning Alpha Signal

Developed by Kavout Corp and adopted by global quant funds with billions under management.

Cover over 80% available factors on the market

Database with over 1000 factors from research papers to engineering

Dynamically adapt to overall sentiment of the market

Adaptive asset allocation between fixed income and stocks based on the overall sentiment of the market.

Outperform index with low drawdown & volatility

Lower risk comparing to index and exceeds index’s performance

History of Kavout Algo Financial LLC

Kavout Corp was Established in 2016,Headquarter at Seattle with Beijing branch
One of the first successful Machine Learning Alpha Signal sold to large quant funds will billions under management.
2016 FinTech Competition First Place,San Diego;2017 NVDIA GTC Global Conf, TOP 5 AI companies
Kavout Corp starts trading real money since 2017 with strategies powered by proprietary ML signal
Kavout Algo Financial LLC becomes a Registered Investment Advisor in 2021

Kavout Algo Financial LLC Offering

Individual brokerage account portfolio management with authorization to Investment Advisor for trading transactions.
Low risk with dynamic asset allocation to cash-like asset. Low impact from market’s volatility.
Stock selections by Machine Learning
Benefit from massive data processing and dynamic optimization by machines.

Safety of Investment Capital:

All the funding is under client’s individual account and cannot be transferred to any account under different ownership. Client authorizes Kavout Algo Financial LLC to execute trade transactions.


Feifei Li, PhD

(Chief Investment Officer)

  • BA, Tsinghua University’s Shool of Management and Economics
  • PhD, UCLA

Feifei has 20 years of experience in the investment industry, primarily worked on quant equity strategies and asset allocation models.

She was the former CIO of Equities at Research Affiliates and responsible for strategies with over $100 billion assets being managed.

Alex Lu


  • BS of Mathematics, Tsinghua University
  • MS of Computer Science, University of Maryland
  • MBA, Columbia University

Alex has over 20 years of experience in machine learning and big data technologies.

Formerly he served as CTO at a public FinTech company and has held various management and research positions at Google, Microsoft, and Baidu, etc.

Jing Zhou, PhD

(Chief Operating Officer)

  • PhD of Biophysical Chem, University of Maryland Baltimore County

Successful Serial entrepreneur in Material Science and Real Estate Asset Management for 12 years

Ling Zhang, PhD, CFA

(Head of Portfolio Analytics)

  • BA, Peking University
  • MA of Statistics, University of Columbia
  • PhD, University of Minnesota

Ling has over 10 years of experience in the investment industry serving institutional clients, specialized in asset allocation, portfolio risk analysis and risk management .

Formerly Senior Risk analyst at Verus Investors and Verus Advisory, Industrial/financial strategist (ProUnlimited @ Goldman Sachs) Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)